Quotations (Feb 2024 更新)
“I know these will all be stories some day, and our pictures will become old photographs. We all become somebody’s mom or dad. But right now, these moments are not stories. This is happening. I can see it. This one moment when you know you’re not a sad story. You are alive. And you stand up and see the lights on the buildings and everything that makes you wonder. And you’re listening to that song, and that drive with the people who you love most in this world. And in this moment, I swear, we are infinite.”
不過我希望我們永遠能記住的是,我們還這麼年輕,我們還可以做任何事,我們還可以改變心意,我們還可以重新來過。我們不能──絕對不能──失去這個懷抱去探索、去破碎、去哭、去笑的熱忱,因為到頭來,當失去一切,我們還能擁有的,就是這份熱忱了。 — — Serene Vitale
心之谷 Whisper of the Heart
“One person stays the same and the other keeps getting farther and farther ahead.” — Shizuku Tsukishima
”Can’t you be in love without determining your future first?” — Yuuko Harada”
- I don’t want to be a burden! I want to be useful!” — Shizuku Tsukishima
- ”Don’t expect perfection at first.” — Shirou Nishi
- “I can’t tell if I have talent or not until I try.” — Seiji Amasawa
- ”Not everyone has to follow the same path.” — Seiya Tsukishima
“You see that rough surrounding stone? You can polish it all you want, but it’ll still be worthless. But there might be something much more valuable inside that you can’t yet see.” — Shirou Nishi
”You’re wonderful. There’s no need to rush. Please take your time to polish your talent.” — Shirou Nishi
我覺得人在實踐 在追求夢想的過程裡面
你要怎麼樣克服單調無味枯燥的生活 要成就事業之前 先要尊重一事無成的自己
不要看輕自己 你做任何事情就是累積未來的自己 (謝哲青)
都不是過去重重疊疊的生命造成的影子嗎? | 🌾三毛<說給自己聽>
想被某個人選中,想被那個人認可告訴我,你可以留在這裡。這是一種奢望嗎?…人們都希望被人需要。 但卻往往事與願違。一點一點地放棄自己的想法,想哭的時候,笑笑地就過去了。或許,人們都是這樣生活下去的。
“La vie, voyez-vous, ça n’est jamais si bon ni si mauvais qu’on croit.” — Guy de maupassant
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
“Nature never repeats herself, and the possibilities of one human soul will never be found in another.”
“It isn’t possible to love and part. You will wish that it was. You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you. I know by experience that the poets are right: love is eternal.”
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. (Steve Jobs)
Trigger Warning: 雞湯格言系列
- 一個沒有目標的人, 就好比大海中航行的船隻沒有指南針的指引, 永遠靠不了岸。學會每年、 每月、 每週、 每天給自己制定一個切實可行的目標,並儘自己最大的努力去實現, 天天堅持著做,一年後, 三年後, 五年後,你將會積累一個大大的、 成功的目標, 並自己為之驕傲。
- 對每天的工作、重要的事情 ,一定要按時間、 輕重緩急順序列一個清單,並在計畫的時間內完成, 養成做事有條理、專注、堅持的好習慣。
- 書中自有黃金屋 ,堅持讀書,讀精品書 ,並能靜下來思考,不斷擴充知識面,提升見識 。做到每天點點滴滴積累,就會有朝一日獲得一日千里的長進。
- 只要放棄努力 ,生活會立即過得比怒力時輕鬆很多。但加倍努力 ,是一種想去體驗一個更大的世界的渴望 。
- 做一個善於分享的人 你的心得、才華、能力、經驗、感知、經濟、新聞、意識、激情都要及時向好朋友分享 , 分享也是提升自己能力的一種成功法寶。
- 人生最可悲的事情,莫過於胸懷大志,卻又虛度光陰。
- 永遠要做第一流的自己 ,別成為二流的他人翻版。
- 簡化別人的成功只因不要求自己。 (劉致瑩)
- 充分利用時間 ,務實長期耕耘。
- 不要想太多,定時清除消極思想
- 學會忘記痛苦,為陽光記憶騰出空間。
- 敢於嘗試,敢於丟臉。
- 每天都是新的煩惱痛苦不過夜。
- 面對別人的優秀時,發自內心地讚美。
- 做人最高境界不是一味低調,也不是一味張揚,而是始終如一的不卑不亢。
- 生活並不完美。但並不代表它不美。多看看妳生活當中美的部分吧,否則,我們永遠會有羨慕不完別人的人生。(程又青)
- 有太多時間去羨慕別人。 為何不好好利用時間去培植所羨慕的。
- 花有重開日, 人無再少年。
- 足夠努力, 才值得擁有未來所有的美好。
- 傾向在短暫的人生中 ,追求較為長久的價值 。
- 該奮鬥的年齡 ,不要選擇了安逸!
- 不要花費自己的寶貴時間 ,去關注別人的人生。
- 勇敢 ,不是心中沒有恐懼 ,而是明明心懷恐懼, 卻仍然勇往直前 。
- 用最少的悔恨面對過去, 用最少的浪費面對現在, 用最多的夢想面對未來。
- 有才華而沒有舞台的人, 是坦蕩蕩的失志;有無台而沒有才華的人, 是赤裸裸的難堪。(林依晨)
- 每個你不喜歡的現在 , 都有你不夠努力的曾經。
- 你以這個姿態活著的人生 , 只有一次而已。
- 預約 10 年後的自己 , 需要年年實踐與更新。(褚士瑩)
- 擁有夢想 , 靠的是熱情 , 實現夢想 , 靠的是紀律。
- 有一種陷阱叫安逸 , 沒有危機才是最大的危機。
- 別在最能吃苦的年紀選擇安逸 ,混下去很容易 , 混上去太難了。
- 世之奇偉、 瑰怪、 非常之觀 ,常在于險遠 ,而人之所罕至焉, 固非有志者不能至也。
- 你努力做的事情,也許暫時看不到成功,但不要灰心,你不是沒有成長,而是正在扎根。
- 當才華還撐不起野心時 , 就應該靜下心來學習 。當能力還駕馭不了目標時 , 就應該沉下心來歷練 。夢想不是浮躁 , 而是沉澱和積累。只有拚出來的美麗 ,沒有等出來的輝煌。
I walk slowly but i never walk backward — -Abraham Lincoln
The price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret — -Nido R. Qubein
「碩士班是大家將來轉業、更上層樓、配備對自己最有優勢的多元能力,最重要的一次緩衝和轉折機會。而且你三十歲前只有一次唸碩班機會。所以請千萬小心使用。不要一畢業後就使用,使用完碩士這個機會,你的生命的空間就變少了。如果能夠出國,盡量出國,因為出國可以在最快速的時間,學到最大量的語言、世界觀、國際流動能力、知識和經驗。 大學畢業就工作,等到工作到一定程度,考量自己的需要(或為了轉職、或發現自己的弱點和興趣)再出國唸碩士,是我個人覺得對大家最好的選擇。看來,今晚遇到的多數人也冰雪聰明地往這個方向移動。」
韓國八個月小記 written by Karen Liu
浮動,沉浸,溺水 ,
黑與白的夢境中,浮現出一抹朦朧的天藍 ,
破碎的如此美麗 ,
如同一朵在天邊角落,淡藍色的 ,慢慢升騰的雲朵。
The soft, sky blue rolling wheat field from far away.
Glittering in the endless shadow of the watery eyes.
Floating, immerse, drowning.
Drift with the tide, you raise your hand, stubborn and free.
Fearless on the breath.
Listen, is this the sound of teardrop?
In this black and white dreamy world,
From the skyline, slowly emerged a touch of hazy blue,
A touch of you,
Evaporate into the unlimitedness, empty world.
Something is broken,
Broken beautifully,
Like a piece of cloud, in sky blue, slowly steaming, on to the edge of the sky.
大亨小傳 The Great Gatsby
“ Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you ‘ve had
Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter — tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. … And one fine morning — — So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
九重 : 如果我是香坂刑警… 我敢對志摩先生說嗎? 我是個沒用的傢伙… 要承認這一點很可怕啊
陣馬 : 要當一個犯了錯、失敗了,也能說出口的人。試著放下矜持啊 ! 只要從一開始就展現真實的自己,就什麼都辦得到了
“ What I am not sure about, is if our lives have been so different from the lives of the people we save. We all complete. Maybe none of us really understood what we’ve live through, or feel we’ve had enough time “
For someone who was never meant for this world I must confess I’m suddenly having a hard time leaving it. Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I’m not leaving. Maybe I’m going home. — — — Vincent Anton Freeman ( Gattaca )
- Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.
2. Never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.
3. If you are lucky enough to find love , remember it is rare , and don’t throw it away.
In other parts of India, people say that they are going to Malaysia or the United States with a glimmer of hope in their eyes. In Tsunami Nagar people speak that way about selling their kidneys. — — — Maria Selvam
They came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up. — 馬丁‧尼莫拉牧師。波士頓猶太人大屠殺紀念碑銘文。1945年
當納粹黨來抓我的時候,已經沒有人站出來為我說話,因為他們都被抓走了。When the Nazis came for the communists,
I did not speak out
because I was not a communist.When they came for the social democrats,
I did not speak out
because I was not a social democrat.When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.When they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew;