【講座】HPAIR_202408_Virtual Conference

Sherry Yeh
8 min readAug 27, 2024


今年的主視覺 — — 大象和泰國國花阿勃勒 (金鍊花)

往年的 HPAIR (Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations) 或許因為正值疫情期間,所以全力地打造了線上會議的 delegate experiences,而疫情後的 HPAIR 團隊有些掉漆,發出去的郵件表示 delegates of all timezones 都可以參加,會議開始前一天卻表示所有講座都不會錄影,因為沒得到講師的首肯 (筆者就要吐槽,難道這是會議前幾天才確認好的事情嗎 ? 會不會太脫線了 ?) 筆者在據理力爭要求退費的郵件毫無下文後,只得在歐洲時區在半夜三點聽講座 (即使筆者想螢幕錄影每個講座連結也要一個一個點開呀 — — 只能聽 live 的講座惹) 足見這次的團隊有 coordination issue,更甚者,往年採用 Run The World 這個平台的高互動性,今年採取 Zoom 且 delegates 無法留言和發言的模式,更大幅降低了參與者和講師互動的可能,取消留言這一點尤其嚴重,it takes away the opportunity to learn from the fellow delegates, as they often offer insights to the session/ speech in the comment section…. 而這次參與線上會議的人數也不如往年,約 50~60 位 delegates,或許是因為疫情後大家終於可以回歸線下互動的緣故。Schedule 也很晚發出發來,或許是 virtual 和在泰國曼谷的 in person 會議分身乏術,而 2021 時可以專注做 virtual conference。



Tickermaster — — 筆者一開始太累還誤會成募資平台 Kickstarter

Michael Chua — — Global VP & GM, VP of Global Business Development & Strategic Partnerships, Ticketmaster

He graduated with Bachelor in Economic in 2008. Back in the days, he worked for Morgan Stanley (Wall Street), and came to realize that he did not like finance. He later on drifting to entertainment industry, and advice young fellow to do something that is authentic to you. He moved to Macao for entertainment industry, part of the reason being the managr who hire him also has a background in investment banking.

He happened to established relationship with the head of BD at TikTok 7 years ago, and talks about as partnership officer (?), the relationships do take time.

When being asked about how corporate leadership as Asian is often underrepresented in entertainment industry, he mention that in finance sector, the situation wasn’t much better, either, as Asian don’t really go beyond analyst and associates.

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) often follow conventional career paths, influenced by cultural norms and systemic issues that prioritize stability and discourage risk-taking. The “model minority” stereotype, which encourages not making too much fuss and conforming, contributes to this trend. There’s a need for greater awareness of equity and an understanding of the disproportionate barriers faced by AAPI individuals. While the community is often taught to avoid drawing attention, it’s crucial to cultivate the confidence to speak up and make their voices heard. Conditioning oneself to be outspoken, even when it feels uncomfortable, is a vital skill, and there are strategic ways to navigate this challenge.

The rise in anti-Asian violence during COVID-19 and the “Stop Asian Hate” movement highlighted the significant asymmetry in societal responses to such issues. Cultural inclusion is the most powerful tool to combat stereotypes and promote understanding.

The key advice for early career professionals is to say “yes” more often early in their careers when opportunity costs are low and time is less valuable. Each experience often leads to another, helping to build a diverse skill set. As you progress, you’ll likely need to say “no” more frequently as time becomes more valuable (not in a pure financial way, it could be you start a family,etc), whether due to starting a family or other commitments. Ultimately, it’s important to care, show up, make an effort, and be fully present in whatever you do.

Choi Shing Kwok — Director, ISEAS — Yusof Ishak Institute

Singapore is recognized for its intellectual leadership within the region, often setting the standard for policy and governance in Southeast Asia. A fundamental difference between the European Union (EU) and ASEAN is that the EU operates as a supranational entity, with member states ceding some sovereignty for deeper integration. In contrast, ASEAN remains intergovernmental, with a strong emphasis on national sovereignty. Moving forward, ASEAN needs to prioritize energy transition, focusing on sustainable development and collaboration to address the region’s growing energy demands while mitigating the impact of climate change.

Justin Bassi — Executive Director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute



**筆者到了這個人生階段對國際關係比較興趣缺缺,想專注在影響圈而不是關注圈,而筆者沒什麼興趣深耕國際關係的影響圈,但一路上卻是還是有很多努力的人們 — — 例如駐法國的台灣外交官或是民間推動的數位外交協會。

JAM the label — — 兩位澳洲職能治療師創辦無障礙服裝(adaptive clothing)品牌 Emma Clegg and Molly Rogers

Since both founders coming from occupational therpy background, work in accessibility / disability secotr in school setting and community setting, they realize disability is not just about physical disability but also, intellectural disability and chronic pain, etc. JAM the label, founded in 2019, has managed to present their ideas at Melbourne Fashion Week and Australian Fashion Week, making adaptive clothing recognized by mainstream fashion industry.

While they do face challenges that the general public may bechmark JAM the label with other fas fashion giants like H&M, they have to remind people that they are still small business. In order to stay on track to their vision, they have to say no to some requirements as they constantly recall what their mission is (i.e. sustainability, if they focus on so many things, their core mission might get diluted, and adaptive clothing remains as a under-serviced market). Fast fashion often focus on pricing and size range, and they have to educate customers that if the price can go lower, they will then need to be a bigger business.

Their very first product is adaptive jacket for people sitting on wheelchairs, and instead of button on the blouse that takes efforts to button up, they use magnetic button on their products, which tremendously lower the threshold for people in need to dress up. They also heard from Japan that they would like to sell their products.

In fact, the founders mentioned that over 15% of population in the world are with disability, in Australia, this statistics is over 20%. They envision a better world where people don’t just see adaptive clothing as a piece of clothing but assistive technologies.

If you design for minority, you cater for the majority

We can shift our mindset from adaptive clothing to inclusive clothing, as all human beings would benefit from easier and comfortable dressing.

認知範圍外的知識或是需求其實還很多 — — 就像筆者頭一次知道手天使時,除了敬佩手天使的偉大,也才意識到身障人士的性權肯定是長久以來被忽略的議題。筆者至今仍未閱讀《背離親緣》,頭一次認識到身障人士除了平常我們肉眼可看見的出行不便,穿脫衣服這件對多數人來說稀鬆平常的事情,對於他們可能也是很大的阻礙。

以日本對身障友善環境的倡議行動來說,Josh Grisdale 應該頗為知名,讀者可以閱讀他的訪談。

感謝 JAM the label 讓人看到世界上還有很多尚未被足夠重視的需求

無獨有偶,除了身障人士的不便,筆者亦在隨意閱讀的過程中發現在美國的媽媽因為托嬰服務的價位和門檻感到負擔,故有一群媽媽打造托嬰界的 Airbnb — — RooVillage 即時釋出托嬰量能。

Source: 《美國女子學》

Jennifer D. Sciubba — President & CEO, Population Reference Bureau 人口 (美國)


Felix Poh — Senior Vice President & Head of Global Strategy & Corporate Development, Coca-Cola

Felix Poh

His experience in management consulting at McKinsey provided him with a bird’s-eye view of various industries. Along the way, he discovered his niche in consumer goods (while he found the banking projects less enjoyable). Coca-Cola, a long-term client of McKinsey, was where he truly thrived. He encourages others not to overthink but to take calculated risks, as he did when he decided to relocate to Shanghai, China.

Setting ambitious goals is crucial, and for Coca-Cola, practicing archetype thinking is essential. You can’t customize everything to tailor to the local market, so striking the right balance between global scale and local intimacy is key. He emphasizes the importance of getting out and visiting the market — showing up at operating units and interacting with the people on the front lines who are selling the products really matters.

He advises people to stay curious and stresses the value of intentionally staying in touch with connections and individuals with whom you have good chemistry. As a leader, he prioritizes creating psychological safety in the workplace, ensuring that everyone feels comfortable speaking up and sharing their opinions.

Tsunekazu Ishihara — CEO, Pokemon Company

雖然筆者很不滿這屆團隊 coordination 上的問題,但邀請寶可夢 CEO (並且請口譯翻譯日文) 這件事情我是很欣賞的 — — 沒有因為受邀講者的英文表達程度而將好的講師人選排除在外

從小就下圍棋和將棋的寶可夢 CEO
中學就接觸到麻將精隨的寶可夢 CEO www
這本書是電腦遊戲大全 — — Analogue Game 和 Video Game 的差別在於 Video Game 可以有遠端玩家

◾Pokemon Center

◾Pokemon Battle

◾Pokemon Merchandise

◾Pokemon Trading

There were a lot of counterfeit (illegitimate Pokemon merchandise) back then, and this drives him to establish license and Pokemon company.

Fernando M. Reimers — Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education

這個專案有用到 Remote Sensing
How quickly you give cash




高中時便以能在任何位置配球給日向的快攻而聞名的舉球員影山 — — 高中時代更不乏在不經意的情況下的二傳攻擊 (乍似要舉球給攻擊手,最後一刻將球輕輕推到了網前,使得敵隊隊伍來不及救球) — — 而在職業時代 — — 除了多個攻擊手具備乍似要攻擊,最後一刻又舉給其他攻擊手的技術之外 (騙過攔網) — — 身為舉球員的影山,與其需要碰球而採取二傳攻擊 — — 乾脆就不碰球,讓球直接落在了對方的球場上。

強大帶來的自由 — — 太奢侈了 — — 遊刃有餘

其實這也讓我想到兩位人物 : 一是軟銀總裁孫正義,二是動畫導演高畑勳。

前者在年少時代,年僅 16 歲的年紀看了日本麥當勞總裁藤田田寫的經商書,大受震懾,從九州打了不下數十通電話給藤田田的助理想要見上藤田田一面,最後乾脆殺去東京,鍥而不捨的精神打動了藤田田,而藤田田給予了孫正義兩個建議 : 一是去美國看看 (也學習英語),二是學習電腦科學,而這兩個建議,後見之明來看,也造就了現今的軟銀帝國 — — 如此的行動力,厲害的人能走到這一步皆有跡可循。

在鈴木敏夫的書《天才的思考》裡,提到高畑勳導演製作《螢火蟲之墓》的幕後故事 — — 高畑勳導演不知從哪裡弄來燒夷彈,就為了研究空襲時轟炸機的角度甚至是人民抬頭時臉要朝向哪一面


而高畑勳也的確是世俗意義的天才 — — 東京大學法文系,故曾因此吐槽吉卜力工作室的正確發音 www



排球少年 286 話
心理上的肌肉痠痛 XD


守護神西谷現在在哪裡呢 ?
筆者的高中同學 (影片中的女生) 在寫後端開發的的高爾夫模擬

以往筆者覺得技術人和我是不同世界的人,不過隨著資訊越來越普遍 (甚至如今還有生成式 AI 的加成),筆者可以努力一把 — — 《平屋慢生活》裡婆婆告訴主人翁弘人這句話 :

筆者最近才在 Medium 看到在澳洲工作的台灣女生 31 歲轉職雲端架構師,雖然就業市場或是移民分數皆有年齡歧視,甚至是許多所謂對 「青年」的定義,舉凡打工度假到政府以及民間提供的資源,資格的年紀上限的極限都是 35 歲,人世間還是有許多期間限定的事情 (音樂演奏家或是職業運動員的賽道更是如此) — — 但人生就是這樣一路跌跌撞撞走過來的,我們只能去相信未來不會辜負這些積極生活的探索和嘗試。

